System › Amaze File Utilities
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Amaze File Utilities

Analyse, transfer and open files all in one app.
Version: 1.94
Added: 30-04-2023
Updated: 19-07-2024
From the developers of open source app Amaze File Manager. An open source app to view, manage and analyse internal storage media files with built-in media players, without any ads and with a beautiful UI.

- Analyse storage for junk files to delete
- Group similar images, memes, low-light images, blurred images, selfies or group images
- Group large, duplicate or hidden files in storage
- Group cluttered media files (uses algorithms to identify videos that may not be useful)
- Group old downloads, recordings or screenshots
- Group unused / most used / least used installed apps, large apps or games, apps that use most data
- Group Whatsapp / Telegram media files
- Group apps that use most Mobile / Wifi network data
- Clean junk data of uninstalled apps
- Group list of apps growing in size
- Group apk files in storage that may not be useful
- Clear RAM for better performance
- Compress media files

Media Files:
- View / group / sort in list or grid
- Delete / share / go to location
- Open using inbuilt player
- Jump to any date instantly
- Search for any media file instantly
- Compress images / video files
- Cast on tv

Music Player:
- Shuffle, play on repeat
- View waveform data for better insight of song
- Change playback pitch or speed
- Add, remove songs to playlists

Video Player:
- Play videos with gestures to skip, manage volume, brightness within player
- View in picture-in-picture mode
- Supports gesture to play, pause, skip, change brightness or volume within player
- Play in background or PIP (picture-in-picture) window
- Lock gestures or orientation
- Search and download online subtitles within player
- Change playback aspect ratio, pitch and speed
- Compress videos to save data

Image Viewer:
- View, share or delete images
- Edit using inbuilt image editor
- Add stickers, text, rotate, crop or draw over images
- View image histogram or other metadata
- Compress images to save data

Document Viewer:
- View pdf, epub, docx, xps, oxps, cbz, fb2 and mobi files using inbuilt viewer
- Search for text in viewer
- Switch between dark or light mode in pdf viewer
- Bookmark a page in your epub digital book

- Transfer data between devices through wifi p2p
- High transfer speeds using android Wifi-direct

Trash bin (Recycle bin):
- Delete files temporarily to recycle bin
- Restore / delete permanently based on max number of files / maximum days / maximum size

Telegram -

Issue tracker:

Source Code:


- This app is based on a trial period post which you're supposed to subscribe / get lifetime membership to continue using the app.
- You can try Fdroid version (all features except Face analysis capabilities) for a FLOSS version.
- Fdroid version may list app as anti-feature: don't worry we're not using third party network service, our app calls our own servers just to validate your trial using a random ID that is generated by our own app.
code Source file_download Download