arXiv mobile
Client for
Version: 2.0.27
Added: 19-05-2011
Updated: 13-10-2017
Added: 19-05-2011
Updated: 13-10-2017
Keep up with the latest science research: physics, math, computers science.
Browse daily science articles (Physics, Astronomy, Math...) at and
search the entire arXiv collection. You can read PDFs, save them for later
reading and share articles. A homescreen widget lets you know of any new
articles in your favorite science categories (dozens of physics, math, computer
science categories) or custom searches.
Browse daily science articles (Physics, Astronomy, Math...) at and
search the entire arXiv collection. You can read PDFs, save them for later
reading and share articles. A homescreen widget lets you know of any new
articles in your favorite science categories (dozens of physics, math, computer
science categories) or custom searches.