Calculate logitudinal one-dimensional pressure profiles in vacuum pipes
Version: 2.01-3
Added: 11-10-2018
Updated: 29-05-2021
Added: 11-10-2018
Updated: 29-05-2021
The programs calcvac/vacline can calculate logitudinal one-dimensional
pressure profiles in vacuum pipes. The pipes can consist of different
sections of different shape and material. Outgasing of several different
gas species can be simulated. Also it is possible to install vacuum pumps of
different types. Also cryo effects (cold pipes and cryo pumps) are
simulated. Finally the pipes can be linked together to form a network.
pressure profiles in vacuum pipes. The pipes can consist of different
sections of different shape and material. Outgasing of several different
gas species can be simulated. Also it is possible to install vacuum pumps of
different types. Also cryo effects (cold pipes and cryo pumps) are
simulated. Finally the pipes can be linked together to form a network.