Comfort Reader
Streams text directly to your eyes
Version: 1.9.6
Added: 13-04-2017
Updated: 03-01-2020
Added: 13-04-2017
Updated: 03-01-2020
Comfort Reader makes reading easier for you. It streams any text directly to
your eyes. Smart text processing and colored letter animation help you to
recognize and understand text faster and better. Reading a book will seem just
like watching a film, at the speed that works best for you. Main features
include: supported file formats: txt and pdf displays; just the current phrase
you are about to read; makes sure that associated words won't get chopped
randomly (as in conventional Speed Reading Apps with Rapid Serial Visual
Presentation); creates a fluent stream of text at your desired speed; colored
letter animation stimulates better concentration and comprehension; trains your
reading, reduces regression and expands your vision span; fully costumizable
text appearance and reading configuration
your eyes. Smart text processing and colored letter animation help you to
recognize and understand text faster and better. Reading a book will seem just
like watching a film, at the speed that works best for you. Main features
include: supported file formats: txt and pdf displays; just the current phrase
you are about to read; makes sure that associated words won't get chopped
randomly (as in conventional Speed Reading Apps with Rapid Serial Visual
Presentation); creates a fluent stream of text at your desired speed; colored
letter animation stimulates better concentration and comprehension; trains your
reading, reduces regression and expands your vision span; fully costumizable
text appearance and reading configuration