Community compass
Feature Compass
Version: 1.4.5
Added: 13-11-2013
Updated: 31-10-2014
Added: 13-11-2013
Updated: 31-10-2014
An outdoors application which can help you to find your way though the forest or
desert, or whatever. It provides inter-device location exchange by SMS and can
make distress call even if the device screen is broken by sending SMS with your
location on your behalf.
Due to pointer-navigation nature, it can also be used as either magnetic or GPS
compass reading direction to north from your device magnetic sensors or from GPS
desert, or whatever. It provides inter-device location exchange by SMS and can
make distress call even if the device screen is broken by sending SMS with your
location on your behalf.
Due to pointer-navigation nature, it can also be used as either magnetic or GPS
compass reading direction to north from your device magnetic sensors or from GPS