System › EtchDroid ISO to USB Writer
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EtchDroid ISO to USB Writer

Write operating system ISO images to USB drives, no root required
Version: 1.9.rc3
Added: 25-09-2018
Updated: 13-10-2024
EtchDroid is an open-source application that helps you write images to USB drives.
Use it to make a bootable operating system USB drive when your laptop is dead.

⭐️ Supported devices ⭐️

✅ USB flash drives
✅ USB SD card adapters
❌ USB hard drives / SSDs
❌ USB docks and hubs
❌ Internal SD card slot
❌ Optical or floppy disk drives
❌ Thunderbolt-only devices

⭐️ Supported disk image types ⭐️

✅ Modern GNU/Linux operating system images, including Arch Linux, Ubuntu, Debian, Fedora, pop!_OS, Linux Mint, FreeBSD, BlissOS and many more
✅ Raspberry PI SD card images (but you must unzip them first!)
❌ Official Microsoft Windows ISOs
⚠️ Community-built Windows images, made for EtchDroid (be careful: they may contain viruses!)
❌ Apple DMG disk images
❌ Older GNU/Linux OS images < 2010 such as Damn Small Linux and Puppy Linux

Source code is on GitHub:

Screenshot of EtchDroid ISO to USB Writer Screenshot of EtchDroid ISO to USB Writer Screenshot of EtchDroid ISO to USB Writer
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