Development › FastHub-Libre
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A GitHub client app built from ground up
Version: 4.6.7
Added: 01-11-2017
Updated: 21-06-2018
This is a pure-floss fork of the FastHub app.

Yet another open-source GitHub client app but unlike any other app, FastHub was
built from scratch.



* Three login types (Basic Auth), (Access Token) or via (OAuth)
* Multiple Accounts
* Enterprise Accounts
* Themes mode
* Offline-mode
* Markdown and code highlighting support
* Notifications overview and "Mark all as read"
* Search Users/Orgs, Repos, Issues/PRs & Code.
* FastHub & GitHub Pinned Repos
* Trending
* Wiki
* Projects


* Browse & Read Wiki
* Edit, Create & Delete files (commit)
* Edit, Create & Delete files (Project Columns Cards)
* Search Repos
* Browse and search Repos
* See your public, private and forked Repos
* Filter Branches and Commits
* Watch, star and fork Repos
* Download releases, files and branches

Issues and Pull Requests

* Search Issues/PRs
* Filter Issues/PRs
* Long click to peak Issues/PRs & add comments otg.
* Open/close Issues/PRs
* Comment on Issues/PRs
* Manage Issue/PR comments
* React to comments with reactions
* Edit Issues/PRs
* Lock/unlock conversation in Issues/PRs
* Assign people and add Labels and Milestones to Issues/PRs
* Manage Milestones
* Merge PRs
* PRs reviews (reply, react with emojies, delete & edit comment)
* PRs request review changes/approve & comment.
* PRs statuses

Commits and Gists

* Search Code/Gists
* View Gists and their files
* Comment on Commits/Gists
* Manage Commit/Gist comments
* Create/Delete Gists
* Edit Gist & Gist Files
* React to Commit comments with reactions
* Comment on line number in Files/Code changes.


* Overview
* Feeds
* Teams & Teams repos
* Repos


* GitHub Pinned Repos
* Follow/Unfollow users
* View user feeds
* Contribution graph.
* Search Users, Repos, Issues,Pull Requests and Code
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