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Flux News

Newsreader for miniflux backend
Version: 1.5.3
Added: 10-12-2023
Updated: 06-07-2024
A simple Newsreader for the miniflux backend ( 2.0.29+.
This newsreader sync with the miniflux server api.

Dark Mode: Flux News has a material design inspired look in either light or dark themes.
Search for articles: Search for articles at the miniflux backend
Mark as read on scroll over: Articles are marked as read when you scroll over them.
Open articles in an app: Articles can be opened in an already installed app.
Order articles by date: Articles can be ordered by date ascending or descanding.
Filter articles by status: Articles can be filtered by status (unread, read, starred).
Filter articles by category: Articles can be filtered by category.
Filter articles by feed: Articles can be filtered by feed.
Send an article to third-party services if enabled.
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