Manage your diabetes
Version: 1.3.0-FOSS
Added: 16-10-2015
Updated: 03-11-2016
Added: 16-10-2015
Updated: 03-11-2016
Glucosio is a modern diabetes app for blood glucose, HB1AC, Cholesterol, Blood
Pressure, Ketones, Body Weight and more. Glucosio diabetes tracker makes it
quick and easy to track all aspects of your diabetes! Glucosio is the only open
source diabetes app for both type 1 & type 2 diabetes and entirely free!
* Quick and easy logging (blood glucose, HB1AC, Cholesterol, Blood Pressure, Ketones, Body Weight etc.)
* Designed for both type 1 & type 2 diabetes
* Estimated HbA1c & HbA1c conversion calculator
* Choose Glucose Target (ADA, NICE, AACE, Custom)
* Reminders;
* Daily, weekly and monthly graphs and analysis
* Assistant gives tips and more
* Backup to Google Drive and export data to CSV
* Import from CSV
* Free support (average response time under 24 hours!)
* Accesibility features
* Opt-in to support diabetes research anonymously through the app
* Support for Android 7.1 shortcuts
Pressure, Ketones, Body Weight and more. Glucosio diabetes tracker makes it
quick and easy to track all aspects of your diabetes! Glucosio is the only open
source diabetes app for both type 1 & type 2 diabetes and entirely free!
* Quick and easy logging (blood glucose, HB1AC, Cholesterol, Blood Pressure, Ketones, Body Weight etc.)
* Designed for both type 1 & type 2 diabetes
* Estimated HbA1c & HbA1c conversion calculator
* Choose Glucose Target (ADA, NICE, AACE, Custom)
* Reminders;
* Daily, weekly and monthly graphs and analysis
* Assistant gives tips and more
* Backup to Google Drive and export data to CSV
* Import from CSV
* Free support (average response time under 24 hours!)
* Accesibility features
* Opt-in to support diabetes research anonymously through the app
* Support for Android 7.1 shortcuts