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HabsGleich is a mini diary with a mind test included.
Version: 1.8.2
Added: 16-09-2024
Updated: 27-09-2024
HabsGleich enables you to note small changes of your mind's performance without referring to non-personal standard tests or uploading sensitive data to third party servers.

To this end you collect adventures in the diary on a rougly daily basis. The choice and language of the adventures should be consistent over time and the time between noting two subsequent adventures should not vary too much from one day.

After some time the app begins to choose adventures from the diary for mind testing. This choice is adaptive to your mind performance in such a way that you always can expect to have more positive than negative results.

The test results are amalgated into a single number, the "mind index". Its value is roughly the number of days you still remember your adventures rather well after.

The temporal graph of this mind index is displayed on the statistics page of the app.

The diary can be used to search, edit and remove adventures.

Some screenshots display quotes by Henry David Thoreau.
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