Learn more about your favorite movies and TV shows
Version: 0.3
Added: 14-01-2017
Updated: 25-01-2017
Added: 14-01-2017
Updated: 25-01-2017
Simple TMDb client.
* Different languages: English, Spanish, German, Polish, Belarusian, Russian
* Discover: Search for movies and TV shows by genres, min rating and etc
* Search: Search for movies, TV shows and persons with a text query
* Movies: Top rated, Upcoming, Now playing, Popular
* TV shows: Airing today, On the air, Popular, Top rated
* Different languages: English, Spanish, German, Polish, Belarusian, Russian
* Discover: Search for movies and TV shows by genres, min rating and etc
* Search: Search for movies, TV shows and persons with a text query
* Movies: Top rated, Upcoming, Now playing, Popular
* TV shows: Airing today, On the air, Popular, Top rated