J-K Bike - Mechanical Disaster Prevention
Added: 23-02-2025
Updated: 01-03-2025
We have all experienced those rides where something mechanical happens that really was preventable. As the authors, even though we take a certain pride in our own efforts in maintaining smooth running MTBs, and a disdain for our riding buddies who never give a passing thought until something goes 'CRUNCH!' in a ride-ending manner, there are still innumerate situations where something that should have been checked, or usually never needs checked after proper installation, has not been.
'Where is that vibration coming from?', 'why is the rear end creaking?', 'What is that terrible knocking?' are so often result of something relatively simple being overlooked or forgotten. Recent favourites have been disc rotor bolts backing out, rear thru axles not done up properly, and headsets improperly tensioned.
So, to prevent mechanical disasters happening on your rides, use this app to build better, new, habits and ensure your rides are (mechanically) glorious.
This app uses INTERNET permissions to download template activities from a github repository at https://github.com/janexner/JKBikeTemplateActivities. No internet access beyond that.