Khan Academy viewer
Watch videos and lectures
Version: 1.2.2
Added: 11-12-2013
Updated: 11-12-2013
Added: 11-12-2013
Updated: 11-12-2013
View Khan Academy's library of over 4,000 educational
videos. Topics covered include: general science, biology, chemistry, physics,
math, finance, history, the humanities, and more.
Khan Academy's library of videos is available free of charge. Teachers,
students, scientists - people form all walks of life - will find Khan Academy's
materials immensely valuable and engaging.
You can take individual videos, or entire topics offline to watch when you don't
have a network connection. Follow along, skip ahead, or go back by navigating
subtitles, and connect with your Khan Academy user account to track your work
and earn achievements.
videos. Topics covered include: general science, biology, chemistry, physics,
math, finance, history, the humanities, and more.
Khan Academy's library of videos is available free of charge. Teachers,
students, scientists - people form all walks of life - will find Khan Academy's
materials immensely valuable and engaging.
You can take individual videos, or entire topics offline to watch when you don't
have a network connection. Follow along, skip ahead, or go back by navigating
subtitles, and connect with your Khan Academy user account to track your work
and earn achievements.