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Android app for GitLab
Version: 1.0.1
Added: 29-09-2024
Updated: 29-09-2024
Simplify your mobile experience with LabNex

# Features

- M3 design
- Projects listing
- Create new project
- Project overview with README rendering
- Project labels listing
- Create/edit/delete a label
- Milestones listing
- Delete a milestone
- Project wiki pages listing
- Create/delete a wiki page
- View project members
- View and switch project branches
- File browser
- File viewer
- View images in file viewer
- Download files in file viewer
- Render markdown in file viewer for MD file
- Source code highlight in file viewer
- Create new file
- Project commits listing
- View commits diff in diff viewer
- List project issues
- Create new issue
- Comment on issue
- Close and reopen an issue
- Issue notes and activities
- Copy issue URL to clipboard
- Project merge requests listing
- Create a merge request
- Comment on merge request
- See merge request notes and activities
- Merge a merge request
- View merge request commits
- View merge request diffs
- Close and reopen merge requests
- Delete branch when merging
- Project releases listing
- Delete a release
- View most visited projects in home screen
- Clear most visited projects
- Take notes (app only feature)
- Activities listing
- Explore users, projects, groups and merge requests
- Multiple accounts support
- Light/dark themes
- Localized with translations
- Biometric lock for security
- Groups listing
- Group overview
- Create a group
- List group projects
- List group labels
- Create/delete/edit group labels
- View group members
- Starred project listings
- User created issues listing
- User created merge requests listing
- User profile view
- Login via token
- Themed icon for Android 13
- Markdown support
- Emoji support
- Markdown preview for issue, merge request descriptions
- Code editor

Complete list of features:
Source code:

Screenshot of LabNex Screenshot of LabNex Screenshot of LabNex
code Source file_download Download