MidniteSolar Classic Monitor
View solar charging device status
Version: 3.1.4
Added: 13-01-2015
Updated: 16-06-2021
Added: 13-01-2015
Updated: 16-06-2021
Unofficial status monitor for Midnite solar's
Classic 150, 200, 250 Charge Controller. It is a Read Only Program, it does not
write to the Classic.
If the app detects a Whizbang Junior current monitor, the State Of Charge will
display along with a bi-directional current gauge. Basic support for the Tristar
MPPT charge controller from Morningstar is also included.
Classic 150, 200, 250 Charge Controller. It is a Read Only Program, it does not
write to the Classic.
If the app detects a Whizbang Junior current monitor, the State Of Charge will
display along with a bi-directional current gauge. Basic support for the Tristar
MPPT charge controller from Morningstar is also included.