Missed Notifications Reminder
Periodical sound reminder for missed notifications
Added: 10-08-2016
Updated: 22-07-2021
Added: 10-08-2016
Updated: 22-07-2021
Unfortunately Android doesn't have default integrated functionality to notify
the user periodically about missing calls/messages/other notifications via sound
(only LED is blinking). This tool allows you to monitor notifications from any
applications which are important for you and perform sound reminder
Just launch app, allow it to receive notification events, select reminder
interval and important applications. That's it. If there are any unhandled
notifications from thet selected apps in the statusbar, app will notify you
periodically with the notification sound you choose.
The battery is used only if there are missed notifications which requires
periodical reminder. App wakes phone to perform sound notification and then
sleep again.
the user periodically about missing calls/messages/other notifications via sound
(only LED is blinking). This tool allows you to monitor notifications from any
applications which are important for you and perform sound reminder
Just launch app, allow it to receive notification events, select reminder
interval and important applications. That's it. If there are any unhandled
notifications from thet selected apps in the statusbar, app will notify you
periodically with the notification sound you choose.
The battery is used only if there are missed notifications which requires
periodical reminder. App wakes phone to perform sound notification and then
sleep again.