Protect Baby Monitor
Baby Monitor
Version: 0.3
Added: 29-12-2015
Updated: 20-02-2018
Added: 29-12-2015
Updated: 20-02-2018
NOTE: The developer is currently on hiatus from the project. Questions and pull requests may not be looked at for some time.
Protect Baby Monitor allows two Android devices to act as a baby monitor. The
first device, left in the room with the baby, will advertise itself on the
network and stream audio to a connected client. The second device, with the
parent, will connect to the monitoring device and receive an audio stream.
Protect Baby Monitor allows two Android devices to act as a baby monitor. The
first device, left in the room with the baby, will advertise itself on the
network and stream audio to a connected client. The second device, with the
parent, will connect to the monitoring device and receive an audio stream.