Help translating FOSS applications
Version: 0.15.2
Added: 14-12-2016
Updated: 25-01-2019
Added: 14-12-2016
Updated: 25-01-2019
NOTE: this application is currently not being maintained! Please read before making use of the app.
Fetches remote GitHub repositories containing the source code for Android
applications downloading the available `strings.xml` files in them for you to
translate the strings to any other locale, in order to help the authors localize
their applications into other languages.
For more information and examples please see the file on the website! before making use of the app.
Fetches remote GitHub repositories containing the source code for Android
applications downloading the available `strings.xml` files in them for you to
translate the strings to any other locale, in order to help the authors localize
their applications into other languages.
For more information and examples please see the file on the website!