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Accessibility improvements
Version: 3.2.1
Added: 24-04-2013
Updated: 09-05-2013
TalkBack is an Accessibility Service that helps blind and vision-impaired users
interact with their devices more easily.

This application adds spoken, audible, and vibration feedback to your device.

It comes pre-installed on many devices so you won't be able to install this if
that is the case. Developer-built apks can be downloaded from the website if the
version that was pre-installed needs updating.

It's only activated if you explicitly turn on Accessibility:

  1. Go to Settings

  2. Select Accessibility

  3. (Android 3.2 and earlier) Enable Accessibility checkbox

  4. Enable TalkBack checkboxes

  5. (Android 4.0 and later) Enable explore-by-touch

See the
FAQ or the Eyes-Free blog for more on Android
Screenshot of TalkBack Screenshot of TalkBack Screenshot of TalkBack
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