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Sandbox for webapps
Version: v4.3
Added: 07-08-2015
Updated: 29-05-2021
Provide a secure way to browse popular webapps by eliminating referrers, 3rd
party requests, cookies, cross-site scripting, etc.

It accomplishes this by providing a sandbox for multiple webapps (like Google's
apps, Facebook, Twitter, etc.). Each webapp will run in it's own sandbox, with
3rd party requests (images, scripts, iframes, etc.) blocked, and all external
links opening in an external default web browser (which should have cookies,
plugins, flash, etc. disabled).

By default, all HTTP requests are blocked (only HTTPS allowed). This improves
security, especially on untrusted networks. The app can also handle HTTPS links
and open them in their own sandbox.

Based on
Screenshot of WebApps Screenshot of WebApps Screenshot of WebApps
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